
This is a news item

EU Tariffs on the import of US Yachts

Buying a boat from the United States?

Watch out for extra duty, say RATS

Did you know that for the last few months, many US-made items – including boats – brought into the EU have been subject to an extra 25% import tariff?

Greek cruising tax delayed, thanks to CA

After three years of changes and postponement the Greek Cruising Tax known as TEPAH was finally implemented in mid-November… and the announcement gave boat owners of all nationalities just a few days to make the first payment.

Thanks to immediate CA intervention, however, boat owners now have until April 2, 2019 to pay the tax. Owners are required to register via a website which is currently only in Greek, but the delay should give time to make payment facilities available in other languages

CA WW1 Memorial Plaque

This recently restored CA plaque (photographed here by Jeremy Batch) commemorates the members of the CA who were killed in WW1. It was in rather poor condition and Julian Harrap, who specialises in Historic Architecture, kindly volunteered to have it restored. Several CA members contributed to the cost of restoration. The names of the 12 fallen are now picked out in gold leaf and the plaque is positioned at CA House on the curved wall behind the staircase.

After Brexit: Effects on healthcare and EHIC

CA’s RATS (Regulations and Technical Services Group) is actively examining the myriad of issues that may affect CA members post-Brexit, one of which is healthcare and the EHIC. The article below, by RATS Ted Osborn, is an example of the regular articles by RATS in the CA’s Cruising magazine, and the valuable information it provides to CA members.

CA hosts North-West Roadshow with guest speaker Tom Cunliffe

The Cruising Association (CA) is organising a one-day North-West Roadshow for members and non-members on Saturday 10th November at the National Waterways Museum in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire. Topping the bill and rounding off a packed and informative line-up of talks is sailing journalist, author and broadcaster, Tom Cunliffe.

Medicane Zorbas

In the original forecast Medicane Zorbas, the Mediterranean hurricane-like storm that hit Greece and Turkey was shown moving west but it actually went North-West and wreaked havoc in its path.

The Cruising Association's Mednet (an online Forum for members) was busy as a number of affected members posted in situ news and this in turn helped others make decisions about their safety, and that of their boats.

CA talks at Scotland's Boat Show 2018

After a highly successful Southampton Boat Show, we'll soon be moving onwards and upwards to Scotland's Boat Show taking place at Kip Marina from Friday October 12th - Sunday 14th.

Record numbers at Southampton Boat Show 2018

High expectations were met with record numbers at Southampton Boat Show 2018

Gill Merchandise Partnership

With perfect timing for the Southampton Boat Show, the CA has entered into a new merchandise partnership with the global sailing clothing brand Gill.

CA members can, from 1 September, place orders from an initial selection of technical and leisure items at a discounted rate from the 2019 Gill range and more products will be added to the CA's Online Shop in good time for pre-Christmas delivery.

Southampton Boat Show 2018 Previews

Celebrating flying the CA burgee for 110 years!

The Southampton Boat Show


See us on our new stand at the Southampton Boat Show
Ocean Hall: Stand J419