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Red Diesel Use in the EU Campaign Archive

RATS has been campaigning on the red diesel issue over a number of years. This page includes all our older news items on the topic.

For the most recent news and the current advice from RATS, please go to UK red diesel, current news and advice.

UPDATE: January 2021, Red diesel and the validity of the Istanbul Convention of 1990

Refer a Friend Prize Draw: July 2019

Courtesy of ASAP Supplies - this month you could win a Cleaning & Protection Essentials Bundle worth £120.

80 seconds with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston: Episode Four, The Future of Yacht Design

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and Dee Caffari discuss the developments in yacht design during Sir Robin’s sailing career to date in the latest episode of 80 Seconds with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston.

Over the last 50 years so much has changed in the world of sailing, with race boats in particular taking advantage of composite materials and foiling technology to ever increase speed and manoeuvrability on the water.

Refer a Friend Prize Draw: June 2019

If an existing CA member refers a friend to join the CA, the existing member receives £20 to spend in the CA Shop and the friend who joins receives a 25% discount on their first year's membership fee when paying by direct debit. NOW, you also get the opportunity to win different prizes each month right through to September!

CA boosts European Inland Waterways Guides collection

A series of 10 new, full colour guides to moorings on the French inland waterways has been launched by the European Inland Waterways Section (EIWS) of the Cruising Association (CA) and is now available to purchase.


80 seconds with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston: Episode Three, Safety

Staying safe at sea is always a hot topic and with the boating season underway, now is the perfect time to check your safety equipment. Sir Robin Knox-Johnston shares his thoughts on safety at sea as he chats with Dee Caffari in the third episode of 80 Seconds with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston.

New HLR function for CAptain’s Mate

Look out for a new version of the exclusive-to-members mobile app CAptain's Mate that is now available and provides CA members with the opportunity to identify local assistance from our worldwide network of Honorary Local Representatives (HLRs). The CA network of HLRs provides an invaluable service in over 400 locations worldwide.

Cruising the English Channel

A one day seminar hosted by the CA’s Suffolk Section featuring yachting journalist, author and broadcaster Tom Cunliffe.

Sailors who don’t keep their boats in the ports of the English Channel, for example those on the East Coast of England, may never even have considered the Channel as offering rich cruising grounds; rather it’s a piece of water that requires crossing to get from A to B.

The Greek Cruising Tax is now operational but beset with issues

The long running saga of the Greek Cruising Tax, known as the TEPAI, was due for implementation on 2 April 2019 following the first attempt to introduce it in 2014.

On Thursday May 9th, the Greek Government finally put the Tax into operation.

Chart collection receives a boost with a record-breaking back story

With over 4,500 nautical charts to its name, the CA’s chart collection at CA House, is possibly the largest in the world and provides an abundant passage-planning resource for its members.