
This is a news item

The CA responds to the Budget Statement concerning the use of red diesel

Following the proposals for the future use of red diesel in the Budget Statement on Wednesday 11 March 2020, the Cruising Association (CA) notes that from April 2022, private pleasure vessels will no longer be able to use red diesel for propulsion but will be able and are indeed entitled to use it for on-board heating purposes. Other marine commercial vessels such as fishing boats will still be able to use red diesel but at the lower duty rate.

Demise of CG66 brought forward

Important update 12/03/20: demise of CG66 is brought forward to end of March 2020

The Cruising Association’s Regulatory and Technical Service group (RATS) has today been advised by the Marine and Coastguard Agency (MCA) that the scrapping of the CG66 Safety Identification Scheme - the name given to the MCA’s free and voluntary scheme for registering identification and other details of pleasure craft and vessels - has been brought forward from the end of July to the end of March.

The CA's Open Weekend was an all-round success

Among the high winds and floods that have plagued the UK over recent weeks, there was a buzz in the air and a beacon of light shining over CA House for the first-ever Open Weekend held on 29 Feb and 1 March in London's Limehouse Basin. The sun came out as the CA welcomed members and non-members through the doors, imparting a wide range of cruising knowledge, marine exhibitor expertise and plenty of CA hospitality!

We have a Big Prize Draw winner!

We were delighted to have been joined at our Open Weekend by Andy Byham, UK Director of Fairview Sailing, pictured here with the CA's General Manager Lucy Gray, to draw the winner of the Big Prize Draw that was launched at last September's Southampton Boat Show.

From 450 entries received, the winning ticket belongs to CA member Alan Kohler who, on being telephoned with the good news, was absolutely delighted at winning the £2,500 seven day Solent charter.

The CA applauds the scrapping of the DEKPA

Greece has announced the scrapping of the DEKPA cruising permit in a draft bill for which consultations close on 27 February 2020. The bill will be voted on shortly afterwards and becomes law within one month of being officially published.

Mike Golding OBE to deliver the 2020 Hanson Lecture

At this year’s CA Hanson Lecture on March 25, Mike Golding OBE will tell the inside story of the rescue of Alex Thomson during the Around Alone Race in 2006, a particularly difficult and dangerous situation which took place in the eye of a major storm, 1,000 miles south of Cape Town.

Mike's presentation will include a short Channel 4-produced film showing how things unfolded both on the shore as well as at sea and some fascinating, unseen, footage shot by Alex and Mike himself as the rescue unfolded.

2020 Members' BIG Prize Draw

The CA’s big draw prize for 2020 offers a chance for members to win a transatlantic sailing trip worth £2250 with First Class Sailing.


Discounts galore at the CA Open Weekend

Bookings are now closed for Tom Cunliffe’s talk on the Saturday evening of the CA’s Open Weekend running from 29 February-1 March but there are plenty of attractive discounts to entice you to attend the Open Weekend.

Throughout the Open Weekend, Imray (charts, maps & publications) is offering a super 20% discount on all orders taken on the day with free carriage to any UK address.

Not quite farewell to the EU

In formal terms the UK left the EU on January 31. However, due to the transition period that is included as part of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement between the UK and the EU, nothing will change until the end of Transition Period – currently scheduled for December 31, 2020. This means that all existing rules will stay in place during 2020, such as free movement of goods, services and people, Union (VATpaid) status of yachts, and the existing immigration rules.

80 seconds with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston: Episode 11, Who Inspires the Inspirational?

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is an inspiration amongst sailors and beyond. His strength of character, bravery and can do attitude have enabled him to achieve feats which others only dream of.

However, the inspirational also need stimulation and in this final episode of 80 Seconds with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston we find out which characters provided the catalyst to undertake the amazing ventures over his life to date, never giving in despite many challenges along the way.