
This is a news item

Cruising in the EU post 31 December 2020

An issue that has been bubbling away for some time is the change in access rules for UK citizens travelling in the EU after the completion of our exit scheduled for the end of this year.

The Cruising Association commences a lobbying campaign

Tips for gaining your Ocean Yachtmaster! FCS Podcast

Our training partner First Class Sailing has commissioned a series of podcasts including this interesting two-parter with Nigel Rennie, an RYA Yachtmaster examiner.

In Part I Nigel provides some background and insight into the Yachmaster scheme and in Part II shares excellent hints and tips to gaining your Yachtmaster qualification.


Return to boating: A statement from the Cruising Association

The Cruising Association is pleased to confirm that, from today and subject to local regulations, all forms of watersports, including the use of privately-owned motorised craft, can go ahead in England.

In guidance issued this morning (13 May 2020), the Government has confirmed that:

Life Under Lockdown: A tale from CA members on the French Inland Waterways

CA members Georgie and Gavin McLaren shared their tale of lockdown life on the French Inland Waterways, with reflections of Friday 13 March.

In light of the current crisis, Georgie and Gavin give an insight into day to day life in lockdown and take a reflective view of their good fortune whilst looking forward to embarking on their continuing adventure when restrictions begin to ease.

And The osCA goes to…Nick Mines!

The first-ever winner to emerge from a bumper crop of 15 entries to the CA’s inaugural Vlog (video log) competition - The osCA, sponsored by MS Amlin Boat Insurance - is Nick Mines on Hejira, a Southerly 135, with Ollie and friends.


Refer a Friend Prize Draw: May 2020

Our ‘Refer a Friend’ promo prize in May is a practical ASAP Supplies Cleaning and Protection Essentials Bundle, worth £120. ASAP provide marine equipment, boat parts and spares and specialise in marine products and boat equipment for maintenance, repair and overhaul needs.

Soundings South West Podcast: QHM Plymouth

Plymouth has nautical links going back to Nelson, Drake. Fitzroy and the Pilgrim Fathers. It’s 400 years since they sailed from Plymouth in search of a new life in America and Plymouth today maintains its nautical connections. It is the largest naval base in Western Europe. It is where our nuclear submarines are refueled, it is a ferry port, it has cargo vessels jetties, is a busy fishing port and is home to six marinas.

Soundings South West Podcast: Mayflower Autonomous Ship

The second of our Soundings South West series of podcasts looks at the issues involved in designing and building the MAS (Mayflower Autonomous Ship). In September the ship will drop its moorings in Plymouth, navigate its way out of the Sound and cross the Atlantic. Nothing unusual about that, you may say, but there will be no one on board. The entire passage will be controlled by an on-board computer with no human intervention. This is an ambitious project and gives a glimpse of the future of navigation at sea.

The future of UK Red Diesel

The Cruising Association’s Regulations and Technical Services group (RATS) has been in communication with HMRC and confirmed, as a result of the March Budget Statement, that it is their intention to legislate that red diesel in the United Kingdom can only be used in agricultural equipment, on the railways and for non-commercial heating from 1st April 2022.

Gill March 2020 Promo Winner

The winner of our exclusive-to-members March Gill promotion to claim one of Gill's Duffel Bags is KEN PIMENTEL, living in Guildford in Surrey. His name was chosen randomly from all the CA members who placed an order with Gill throughout March.