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Help the CA and Imray shape the future of the CA Cruising Almanac

As sailing habits change, technology evolves and a range of information is increasingly available online or in apps, we’re interested to hear about whether, how and when you use printed Almanacs.


CAptain’s Mate of the Month - Tammasaari, Finland

This edition of CAptain’s Mate of the Month, we find ourselves in the delightful southern Finland town of Tammasaari.

Though it requires a detour upriver off the main east/west passage channels, the journey is rewarded with a well-equipped marina and choice of berthing – buoys, quay or pontoon – along with a fascinating old town and a variety of local sights.

Imray voucher won in September’s ‘Refer a Friend’ draw

Throughout the spring/summer sailing season, any CA member who referred a friend to join the Cruising Association has been entered into a monthly prize draw.


CA member Jeanne Socrates joins prestigious Cape Horn Hall of Fame

Congratulations to Jeanne, who was amongst six legendary sailors inducted into the Cape Horn Hall of Fame on Thursday 21 September 2023 in Les Sables d'Olonne, France, home to the Hall of Fame.

The event, organised by the International Association of Cape Horners (IACH), was announced by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, President of the Association, and Yannick Moreau, The Mayor of Les Sables d'Olonne:

The 2023 CA Photo Competition is now open

The annual CA Photo Competition is a fantastic platform to showcase members’ unforgettable moments from sail and motor cruising adventures during the past season.

2023 Log Competition welcomes Katy Stickland as judge and opens for entries

The CA’s annual Log Competition stands as one of the association's time-honoured traditions and prominent events, tracing its origins back to 1910 when The Love Cup was first awarded.

Cruising Association success at Southampton International Boat Show 2023

The Cruising Association (CA) enjoyed an outstanding presence at Southampton International Boat Show, 15-24 September 2023, expanding our global cruising community with an impressive surge in members.

The Cruising Association and Marine Products Direct unveil members’ Big Winter Prize Draw to win a TEMO-450 Electric Outboard Motor

The Cruising Association is delighted to unveil its annual Winter Big Prize Draw in partnership with Marine Products Direct to win the fantastic prize of a TEMO-450 Electric Outboard worth £1,679.

A picture is worth a thousand words

It might be the river entrance, a view over the harbour or a spectacular view from an anchorage. Whatever the subject matter, it is YOUR photographs in CAptain’s Mate that so brilliantly complement the overview and reports, helping to make it the award-winning app it is today.