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2024 Yearbook Alert – Has your contact information, boat or cruising waters changed?

As we gear up for the release of the 2024 CA Yearbook, we want to ensure that it accurately reflects members’ current contact and information details.

Introducing Mandie Hart

The CA is thrilled to extend a warm welcome to Mandie Hart, the newest edition to our CA staff team.

Mandie steps into the role of Events Administrator, where she plays a crucial part in overseeing all CA events. Mandie is also the liaison between Ania, our catering manager, and the CA Sections and event organisers.

CAptain’s Mate of the Month – Deep Bay, Antigua

As colder weather sets in to the northern Hemisphere, we are steering south to the inviting warmth of Antigua, showcasing Deep Bay as December’s CAptain’s Mate of the Month.

A hugely popular destination, Antigua offers plenty of mooring options around the island. Deep Bay on the north-western side of the island is an inviting and stunning anchorage. An excellent bay for overnight stops, the sand offers good holding and the gently shelving beach is wonderful for swimming.

Discover the European Inland Waterways - Buy your 2024 Calendar

The CA European Inland Waterways Section has released a 2024 Calendar, featuring inspirational photos of some of the most picturesque spots to be discovered on the inland waterways of France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.

Cruising Association and Practical Boat Owner release interview with record-breaking sailor Jeanne Socrates

The Cruising Association (CA) and Practical Boat Owner (PBO) are delighted to release an inspirational video interview with renowned sailor and world record-breaker Jeanne Socrates.

The CA and PBO joined forces to host the interview, which offers an exploration of Jeanne’s world-record achievements, challenges faced during solo circumnavigations, and the connection she has with the ocean, nature and people she meets on her voyages.

2024 CA European Inland Waterways Cruising Guides Published - Special Christmas offer

The Cruising Association (CA) is pleased to announce the publication of the new and updated 2024 editions of its comprehensive European Inland Waterways Cruising Guides.

Available in full-colour print and digital formats and published by the CA's European Inland Waterways Section (EIWS), these guides provide invaluable insights for those navigating the intricate waterways of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, the River Moselle/Mosel, and the German Rhine.

Refer a Friend in 2024

The CA’s long established Refer a Friend membership programme continues to thrive and for 2024, the discount has been refined, the joining fee is gone, and we have expanded how we say thank you to members.

The CA’s priority remains on building a community that values quality advice and connections. Member referrals remain the most significant way we welcome new members.


Cruising Association launches new Sambre mooring guide

The Cruising Association, in collaboration with its European Inland Waterways Section (EIWS), has published a comprehensive full-colour guide detailing moorings on the Canal de la Sambre à l'Oise and River Sambre.

CA Annual General Meeting

The CA’s Annual General Meeting took place on the evening of Wednesday 15 November 2023 at CA House, London.

Members were welcomed by Derek Lumb, CA President and Bob Garrett, Chair of Council, together with other Council members.

CAptain’s Mate of the Month – Rīga, Latvia

CA member Chris Blackburn shares his experience of visiting the Latvian capital city of Rīga, during August 2023.

Rīga, a Hanseatic city on the banks of the Daugava River and located 8 nm inland, should not be missed when sailing this area.