CA Member Julia Sloman wins Southampton International Boat Show ticket giveaway and 2025 Cruising Almanac

The CA is delighted to announce that Julia Sloman has won our Southampton International Boat Show ticket giveaway, along with a copy of the 2025 Cruising Almanac.

As part of the competition, members were invited to express what they love about the CA or their experience of visiting our stand at the show. The CA received fantastic feedback, with numerous members highlighting the value the CA brings to them. Thank you to everyone who participated and shared their thoughts. We look forward to seeing many of you at the show from 13-22 September 2024.

Julia, who was drawn as the winner, mentioned that she submitted her entry on her birthday, making the win an especially lovely surprise!

Reflecting on what she enjoys about the CA stand at the show, Julia said: "It’s a chance to take a breather from the action and sales pitches of suppliers, and connect with like-minded sailors some of whom I’ll know from other CA events.

"I’ve enjoyed it best the times I’ve visited the stand with no particular agenda; it’s often in those times that I end up discussing all sorts of things with interesting people: how to navigate a particular function in CAptain’s Mate, to receive an update on a RATS topic or to encourage me to join in a future social event.

"I love the chance to hear about the experience of those manning the stand and from other members: everyone has something of value to share. I’ve now done enough cruising that I feel I also have something I can give back too, whether it’s sharing my experience on getting an unlimited transit log in Greece or discussing how we will manage the Schengen Shuffle this season. And let’s not forget the coffee, biscuits and sundowners!"

Julia’s insights extended to the benefits of being a CA member:

"I like the fact that the breadth of offering means the CA continues to be relevant even as my own cruising agenda changes.

"This year, MedNet and RATS are the standout benefits to us. To have a forum with daily push notification email updates, that is easy to navigate, and that has enough members contributing that the discussions are generally of good depth and address the particular topic, is really fantastic.

"And RATS has been incredibly useful on a couple of occasions when we’ve been overseas, have been worried about something and need to understand the legal or technical position.

"This year, I also really enjoyed attending the Med Section weekend, meeting people, making new friends and participating in a variety of seminars.

"Next year, when we cross the Atlantic, we are looking forward to getting across the Orca information and becoming more active Blue Water section will be great."

Visit the CA at Southampton International Boat Show

Step aboard the CA Stand J419 in Ocean Hall and immerse yourself in the world of sail and motor cruising. Head to our Southampton International Boat Show information page to find out more. Amongst the many activities will be on stand advice and talks, the launch of our new Motorboat Section, prizes, cruising information and plenty more.

Plus, non-members who join during the show will receive up to 20% off the first year's membership when paying by Direct Debit, along with a complimentary CA burgee and invitation to our new members welcome seminar at the CA clubhouse in London.

27 August 2024