
This is a news item

Learn how to use a sextant!

Starting on November we have an Ocean Yachtmaster Theory course running at CA House.  The course will run over 8 Tuesday evenings in November, December  and January and will finish on January 23/24.

Chief Technical Officer

“The technology used afloat is constantly changing, as are the demands of our members. The CA is looking to recruit a Chief Technical Officer to create and manage the next generation of CA IT Systems. This is a flexible role, nominally 2 days a week, and can be worked from home (or even your boat!) although it will be necessary to attend occasional meetings at CA House. The successful candidate will have a background in managing software projects in an organisation of the CA’s size, working with a mix of in-house staff and outside suppliers.

Want to run the bar and catering concession?

Would you like to run the club’s catering concession in Docklands?

Threat of fines in Italy for wrong insurance papers

Threat of fines in Italy for wrong insurance papers

If you are cruising in Italian waters and have a tender and outboard motor, you need to change your insurance details immediately or risk being fined, the Cruising Association advises.

Biscay! A great new cruising ground

Biscay! A great new cruising ground


Worried about venturing into the Bay of Biscay? The CA is holding a seminar about cruising in this area.

With islands, sheltered rivers and historic towns, Biscay is a unique place to spend the summer. Four experienced boat owners will give their first-hand accounts of where and when to go, how to avoid getting into difficulty and what to think of when keeping your boat abroad.

EU Visa regulation scrutiny

EU Visa regulation scrutiny

Changes to visa regulations for non-EU boaters are being sought in an attempt to boost the economy. Sailors from outside the EU are currently limited to cruising in EU waters for just 90 days out of every 180.

CA member Kingsley Ross believes that this is forcing boaters to spend more money in countries outside the Shengen area, the 26 mainland EU countries that allow freedom of movement with no passports.

News about Migrant Traffickers

Migrant traffickers cause alarm for boaters in the Mediterranean.

Cruising Association members have reported that small yachts are being chased by boats carrying migrants from Libya to Europe.

An estimated 600,000 migrants are waiting to cross from Libya to Europe. Under the cover of darkness, boats leave the African continent full of desperate refugees but the CA is advising boaters in the area to be wary, stand clear and inform the relevant Search and Rescue service.

Information about the island of Skorpios

Boaters in the Ionian Sea have reported aggressive guards on the island of Skorpios.

Skippers that venture too close to the islands of Skorpios and Sparti, which lies 2km north, are being met with armed guards, which are employed by the new Russian owner, Ekaterina Rybolovleva.

Greek law states that anything more than 10 meters from the beach is public land, so boats are legally allowed to anchor by the island.

However, guards may be acting under the Right to Privacy Law, which could be used to allow security teams to keep onlookers at bay.