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Latest on Greek tax affecting yachts

October 24, 2016

A new taxation law affecting yachts in Greece still appears to be in a stalemate position with no forward movement since the law was confirmed in August.

But the Cruising Association is still in talks with the Greek Ministry of shipping regarding the collection and enforcement process of the tax as well as the unfairness of some elements of the tax.

The CA hopes that as in 2013/14, when the Ministry took nearly all the CA’s points on board resulting in a major change to Port Police duties, that they will listen again.

CA working for fair Greek tax system

Greek authorities have drafted new legislation in the way they charge a tax on all boats in their waters – and again the CA is again working with them to introduce a fair system for all.

The Greek Government brought out the new TPP (Cruising) tax 18 months ago which imposed a new duty on all private and commercial craft using Greek waters – but the system of paying the tax was never properly introduced.

Yachting Monthly asked the CA to assist

Yachting Monthly asked the CA to assist with a difficult question from a reader.

The question asks about the right a marina has to force its berth holders to use its recommended broker when selling a boat. The CA has investigated the situation and found out that the berth holder has a right to fight the contract.


Question to Yachting Monthly:

Seaplanes in Medway and Essex

The CA has recently issues two press releases about Seaplane services which may be starting soon. Boat owners have expressed concern about the impact of these services. They are not a common site in the UK. See below for both press releases.


Seaplanes in Essex

A Scottish seaplane operator is planning to run daily trips between London and the Blackwater in Essex.

Tony Brett-Jones

The Association is sad to announce that Tony Brett-Jones, a Past President of the CA and, for many years, the Editor of the CA Handbook and Almanac died in February after a short illness.

A full appreciation of Tony's contribution to the work of the Association will appear in the June edition of Cruising.

Details of the Funeral Arrangements, to be held on the 7th of March, are attached below.

New format for First Class Sailing Day Skipper course

New format for First Class Sailing Day Skipper course

The CA’s training partner, First Class Sailing, has changed the format of its Day Skipper theory course. Starting on February 17, the course is part home-study mixed with five evening sessions at CA House in London. Evening sessions run between 6:30pm and 9:30pm, with one every other week. Students can expect 30-40 hours of home study.

First Class Sailing offers reduced prices to CA members for courses held in CA House - up to 20%.

Results from the CA AGM

Results from the 2015 AGM

We would like to thank all members who voted in the 2015 AGM elections. By voting we ensure that the CA is being pointed in the right direction, giving positive change for all the members. The results of the elections are as follows:


Judith Grimwade has taken over from Desmond Scott as President of the CA.