
This is a news item

Cruising Association Releases First Mobile App

Cruising Association Releases First Mobile App

The Cruising Association (CA) has announced the launch of its very first App, the ‘CAptain’s Mate’, designed by the CA to increase accessibility of its worldwide cruising information.

"Upgraded" Met Office Website

Anyone using the Met Office site will be aware that it has changed in appearance. It is possible to  navigate to the marine weather pages, easily, only by using the mega-drop-down menu. On my iPad that disappears before I find Marine. As a whole, to put not too fine a point, it is a dumbed down dog’s dinner for forecast services. Paradoxically, they seem to have made it more easy to find  “technical” pages such as those about weather prediction, climate and other research.

Cross the Channel with CA Cruise in Company

Cross the Channel with CA Cruise in Company

The Cruising Association’s newest Section, covering Northern France and the Channel Islands (NF&CI), is running an eight-day Cruise in Company to the Channel Islands from 14 - 21 July 2012.

Red Diesel - the clearest explanation so far!

The clearest explanation we've found so far of the current situation regarding red diesel can be found on YouTube. It's an interview with Gus Lewis, Head of Government Affairs at the RYA, by News Editor of Motor Boats Monthly, Sue Pelling and the Deputy Editor of Practical Boat Owner, David Pugh on the issue of red diesel. Click this link to watch:

Cessation of Marinecall - background

Following a recent news item,  the Met Office MarineCall service ceased at the end of October 2011. Unfortunately, the firm that ran the Marinecall service, Boungiorno, seems to have failed to advise their customers despite being given 6 months warning by the Met Office. 

Marinecall telephone and telefax discontinued

Many members will have noticed that as well as discontinuing the SMS forecast service, there are now no Marinecall telephone or telefax services. It is still possible to speak to a Met Office forecaster, . There is also an independent forecast service, see the Weatherweb site.


Reconstruction of the final manoeuvres leading to the Costa Concordia tragedy on 14 January 2012

Many members will have seen the video containing commentary by a master mariner of the manoevre which led to the Costa Concordia tragedy on the 14th of January. However for those who have not, and would like to see it, please click here.

Please note, the ship's actual position may not be shown on your screen for about 20 seconds, but does return at about 4 minutes into the video.

Champagne Celebration for the CA's 4,000th Member

CA Patron, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Welcomes Eric Roberts as the 4,000th MemberOn the first day of the London Boat Show the Cruising Association's Patron, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, welcomed Eric Roberts as the 4,000th member of the Association.

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston presents awards to CA members

The Flag Officer lunch was held on the 7th of January 2012 and presentations were made to members of the CA who have made significant contributions to the CA, both in 2011 and for many years prior to this.

Peggie Manton



Weather Reports from Coastal Stations

I am not sure where to put  this item but someone can pick it up and run with it.