This year's annual Blue Water Seminar will include four talks; Atlantic Circuit - Skipper's View, 3D Printing for Boats, Fishing Under Sail - fresh food during your crossing and Atlantic Crossing - Crew's View. See the full programme below.
The event is open to all and you can attend in person or join via Zoom.
The annual Blue Water Seminar will host three talks by four members during the morning session speaking about their preparations and experiences of their crossing both independently or as part of a rally. The afternoon session will be two talks offering alternative destinations to the obvious 'Pacific Milk Run'. Full details of the programme below.
The annual Blue Water Seminar includes two informative talks and the opportunity to meet fellow blue water sailors, share ideas, plans and tales of adventures.
There will be time for a Q&A session at the end of each presentation.
Joint Blue Water Section Secretaries, Anne & Mike Hartshorn will host this talk by Ed Wildgoose. The talk will be broadcast via Zoom and is open to all, members and non-members.
Ed will discuss how to connect to the internet and what types of equipment are available for your Bluewater and local cruising needs. Ed Wildgoose has many years experience in this industry, being a director of MailASail, and has advised thousands of cruising yachtsmen.
Sadly, due to lack of bookings, we have had to cancel this seminar, however the speakers have kindly agree to give their talks a later date as an online event only on separate evenings in the near future .
The annual Blue Water winter all day seminar will include a range of talks on subjects of interest to those cruising further afield as well as providing the opportunity to socialise with CA friends.
Navigating by heavenly bodies is a fascinating skill to have, but the main frustration is not being able to take meaningful sights with your sextant (even if you had one). This practical session will demonstrate the use of a planetarium app as a sextant simulator, being part of a full position fixing scenario starting with the date (the morning after the talk) and your vessel's Dead Reckoning (DR) position.
As boat owners and sailors we can all see plastic pollution in our seas. So what can we do to help clean it up and stop it happening?
This tragedy affects us all so join this CA Bluewater Section webinar to find out more. This event is open to all members and non-members are also welcome.
Having cruised many different countries since leaving the UK in 2008 their Contest 44, Mike & Anne want to share one of their favourite and most interesting sailing destinations they’ve experienced in the last 12 years.
In 2019, they set off from Sidney, Vancouver Island and cruised up the Inside Passage to Glacier Bay, Alaska and onto Skagway, their most northerly point in Alaska.
'Options for Circumnavigators Arriving in Australia' and 'Using Google Earth Images for Marine Navigation' will be the two key talks at the Blue Water Section seminar on 12 January 2020.
Both lectures will be given by CA Members, Australians Mike & Nicki Reynolds, who circumnavigated Australia in the 2000s, cruised SE Asia in 2012-2014 and then cruised from Australia to the UK in 2015-2016. Their 34’ cutter Zen Again is currently lying in St Katharine Docks Marina.