Blue Water Seminar: Crossing the Atlantic & Where to go after the Caribbean

The annual Blue Water Seminar will host three talks by four members during the morning session speaking about their preparations and experiences of their crossing both independently or as part of a rally. The afternoon session will be two talks offering alternative destinations to the obvious 'Pacific Milk Run'. Full details of the programme below.

Date: Sunday 20 October 2024

Time: Registration from 09:30 - 10:00, presentations from 10:00

Place: CA House or, for the broadcast via Zoom, your own home or boat

Booking (to attend at CA House): Book online here

Tickets (to attend at CA House): £25 for members, £30 for non-members. Tickets include coffee, tea & biscuits and a buffet lunch.

Booking (to join via Zoom): Booking link will be added when available

Tickets (to join via Zoom): £10 (members and non-members)


09:30 - 10:00 Registration with coffee, tea & biscuits

10:00 - 13:00 Crossing the Atlantic

Peter Blackadder: Starting sailing as a child on the Norfolk Broads every Easter holiday in freezing winds and punt poles. Lots of dinghy and yacht sailing in my teens. Then charter, Sunsail clubs and flotillas. Owned 4 yachts over the last 15 years and, since retiring in 2019, have spent 4 months plus a year on Flying, our shared 2010 Grand Soliel 46, sailing around the med and more recently the Caribbean. Crossing in 2023.

Peter and Anabel Merriman: Peter and Anabel have just completed a North Atlantic circuit as independents on their Oceanis 48 which they have owned for 3 years. Setting out from Dartmouth in July 2023 and making their UK landfall in August 2024 in the Isles of Scilly, which, along with every other stopping point in between, they had never visited before.

Tony Warr: Tony has sailed many miles with his wife, Diane, and family, in the UK and then into the Mediterranean before embarking on his first Atlantic circuit. (Diane being more in favour of a 747).

13:00 - 14:00 Buffet lunch (bar will be open)

14:00 - 16:00 After the Caribbean

Michael and Anne Hartshorn: North America – East & West Coasts Having cruised many different countries since leaving the UK in 2008 on Nimue their Contest 44, Mike and Anne will discuss sailing the coasts of northern America

Sandy Duker: South from Grenada to Uruguay Brian and Sandy decided not to go through the Panama Canal but go South instead, this is the first leg.