
This is a news item

Greek "Special" taxes

Greek "Special" Tax, as at 7 May 2010


Amended 14 May 2010

Birth of the CA Blue Water Section

blue waterIn Carlisle Bay, Barbados several of the boats at anchor belonged to CA members who had independently crossed the Atlantic in December 2009 and stopped in Barbados to visit the island and break their voyage before going on to the main Caribbean island chain.

Inshore Forecasts - MCA accuracy assessment

In recent months, there has been some criticism of Met Office Inshore Forecasts for UK waters. In a letter published in the April PBO, the MCA has given some figures for “accuracy” of forecasts. They state that over a period of one  year, 

  • The “hit rate” for gale warnings (for sea areas) was 92% 
  • The “hit rate” for coastal strong wind warnings 96%.
  • Within a typical 24 hour period forecast, 94% of winds were within one Beaufort force of prediction.

Leaving aside any remark about lies, damned lies etc, what do these figures mean? 

West of Scotland NAVTEX reception

Around the west of Scotland Portpatrick reception can be difficult to impossible because of topography. On 518 kHz, Malin Head broadcasts Sea Area forecastss for Shannon, Rockall, Malin and Bailey (as well as Irish Coastal  and some High Seas Areas).

Launch of ‘Blue Water’ Section

It is the season to be out there cruising, sailors are dropping anchor and looking through the binoculars’ at the cross trees of the others in the bay. The CA burgee is a magnet and much convivial planning has been achieved, a ‘Blue Water’ Section has now being launched.

Boat Show Success!

RKJ at Boat ShowThe Cruising Association enjoyed a very successful London Boat Show this year. We were delighted to welcome almost 400 of our members to our stand, and we now have more than sixty new members who signed up at the show. Our Patron, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, visited the stand midway through the week and is pictured here with General Secretary Wendy Hodkinson and watch keepers Brian Hammett and David Beane. Thank you to all of our watch keepers for their time and enthusiasm.   

CA members kidnapped

CA members Rachel and Paul Chandler are believed to have been kidnapped by pirates in the Indian Ocean. The couple were cruising in their Rival 38 Lynn Rival and left the Seychelles last Wednesday, expecting to be at sea for about two weeks. They activated their EPIRB two days later and posted a message on their blog saying only ‘PLEASE RING SARAH’.

Search the library catalogue and the yearbook

We're happy to announce several new features on MyCA.

The library catalogue has now been moved to our online database by Ivan Andrews and you can look up the catalogue by author title or category. You will find a link to the search page under "Search" on the left hand side and also under the new "Information Centre" link.

A particularly nice feature of integrating it with MyCA is that if there is a review of the book online, it will automatically be displayed along with the catalogue entry.

Appointment of General Secretary

Wendy Hodkinson

Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Wendy Hodkinson as the Association's General Secretary. Wendy has already taken up her post and you may contact her here.