
Shipwreck, Small Boats, High Latitudes with Roger Taylor

Thu, 14/11/2013 - 19:00 to 22:00

In this talk illustrated with superb slides and some extraordinary video sequences, Roger tells how shipwreck on a square-rigger lead him to a lifetime of small-boat single handed ocean sailing. Roger has sailed 19ft and 20ft engineless yachts from the Roaring Forties to the Arctic Circle. In 2011 he sailed to 80 degrees North.

The meetings begin at 19:00 for those that would like to eat with the talks beginning at 20:10.

East Coast Spring Rally, run by the Suffolk Section

Sat, 03/05/2014 - 00:00 to Mon, 05/05/2014 - 00:00

East Coast Spring Rally, 3/5 May 2014

Royal Harwich Yacht Club

For many of us the start of the new sailing season is marked by the East Coast Spring Rally held over the Bank Holiday Weekend Saturday 3 May to Monday 5 May 2014 at the RHYC on the River Orwell.

Midweek Waterfront Lunch 23/10/13

Wed, 23/10/2013 - 12:30 to 14:00

Just turn up and pay on the day. No bookings, no formality, just a sociable gathering of Cruising Association friends (guests are also very welcome).

Visit to Langdon Battery

Sat, 26/10/2013 - 11:00 to 18:00

11am Saturday, 26th October 2013 
Langdon Battery, Dover to see how the coastguard
monitor the TSS [Traffic Separation Scheme]
Dover Coastguard
Langdon Battery
CT15 5NA
The Dover Strait is one of the busiest international seaways in the world, regularly used by over 400
commercial vessels daily.  It became the first International Maritime Organization [IMO] approved

Winter Warmers

Thu, 08/08/2013 - 19:00 to 21:00

Please note we have a new venue for our Winter Warmers


The Dog & Bear Hotel

The Square


ME17 2PG


             Tel:  01622 858219


Part of the Shepherd Neame Group situated 8 miles East of Maidstone off of the A20 in the village square


A pleasant light, airy  room located on the ground floor with theatre style seating for 50 persons


Ample parking both behind in the car park or opposite in the Village Square

Tales of the North Sea - Section Seminar

Wed, 24/04/2013 - 19:00 to 22:00


Thinking of sailing in the North Sea or already doing it? – Come along to CA house to hear and share tales of this diverse cruising ground

Wednesday 24th April, 7pm, CA House


North Sea Section Secretaries, Peter Gibbs and John Blakemore, invite you to come to hear tales of the diverse North Sea cruising ground and join in the confession-fest for the greater enjoyment of our sport.

North Sea Summer Rally and Cruise in Company

Sat, 29/06/2013 - 00:00 to Sat, 06/07/2013 - 00:00


Rally at RHYC, Woolverstone, River Orwell , Suffolk Saturday 29 June – Sunday 30 June

With cruise in company to Ostend and Antwerp Monday 1 July – Saturday 6 July

The Programme

Languard Battery, Dover Coastguard, NOW FULL

Sat, 23/03/2013 - 00:00

Visit to Languard Battery – Dover Coastguard – NOW FULL

A visit to the Languard Battery – Dover Coastguard has been arranged for 11am on Saturday, 23rd March 2013. Perched on the cliffs above Dover Harbour they keep a watchful eye monitoring the TSS [Traffic Separation Scheme] in the Dover Strait.

This visit is now full…..


Invaders, Explorers and Shipbuilders, by Jeremy Batch

Thu, 11/04/2013 - 19:00 to 22:00

Jeremy always provides an informative and interesting talk with his droll sense of humour, this last of the Winter programme is a must…..