Blue Water weekend

The BlueWater Weekend 17/18 August 2013

Starts Saturday 17/08/2013 (9:00 - 17:00)
Ends Sunday 18/08/2013 (12:00 - 18:00)

 A second BlueWater Weekend has been arranged at CA House following the extremely successful event last year.

The Long Distance Sailing Seminar on the Saturday is an intensive day of presentations regarding the practical aspects of sailing long distances, with advice on ways to prepare both yourself and your yacht.

Registration will be from 09:00 (with tea/coffee & biscuits) for a prompt 09:30 start.

We have a full complement of very experienced speakers; Vyv Cox will provide us with the benefit of his experience on both Anchors and Anchoring and that perennial topic, Heads and Holding Tanks. Robert Stevens of Topsail Insurance Brokers will make a presentation  on yacht, home, medical and emergency insurance and also pointers  for when and if you have to make a claim. Paul Heiney will prepare us for the long haul with his experiences of The Reality of Long Distance Cruising. Sandy Duker will suggest 'how to look after your crew' with Think Food and Bernie Smallman will dispense her pragmatic views for the crews’ health. Voyage Planning in the Age of Electronic Charts will be presented by Jimmy Cornell, with Sue Sutherland updating us all on CAptain's mate and MyCA. Tony Warr our BlueWater ‘fuel bug expert’ will also be available to provide advice.

The cost of the seminar on Saturday is £20 for members and £45 for non-members, this includes refreshments during the day and the buffet lunch. Non members can obtain discounts on membership of the CA if they join on the day (Direct Debit only).


The Sunday Rendezvous  will commence at 12.00 for pre lunch drinks and chat, followed by a buffet lunch at 13.00. At approximately 14.30 Tim Barker will be recounting his experiences of high winds, whales and ice when sailing his yacht Mina2, an Oyster 485, from Buenos Aires to Antarctica via the Falklands and back to Tierra del Fuego.

The cost for the Sunday lunch & talk for CA members is £12. For the talk only the cost is £5 for members & non-members £7

It promises to be a fabulous BlueWater Weekend, (although hopefully not quite as hot as last year). Please be aware that attendance is limited by the capacity of CA House and we already have 30% of the available places reserved. Early booking is essential to avoid disappointment.

To reduce administration over the weekend, bookings and payment must be made for the Saturday and Sunday in advance via Charlie at CA House who is dealing with our reservations. Telephone  020 7537 2828 or email    It may be possible to pay on the door for the Sunday talk.

If you would like further information on the Saturday seminar or the Sunday social event, email Brian or Sandy on