European Inland Waterways Meeting

Meeting on Saturday 26 November 2011  at CA House

11 am – 5 pm


This is our first ‘all day’ meeting and this format should give us time for more detailed presentations and fuller discussions than have been possible at previous evening meetings.

 The programme will include 4 talks on specific cruising areas – France & Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and ‘further east’ which will include the Czech Republic and the Rhine-Danube link.

 There will be a presentation and discussion on Choosing and Equipping a boat for inland cruising.

CEVNI and other rules (including the Rhine Regulations) will be reviewed and there will be an update on the growing requirement for VHF sets to be include ATIS (Automatic Transmission Identification Systems).

 There will be a range of maps, guides and other information available for inspection, and it is hoped that we will be able to demonstrate pc software packages for inland navigation.

 We will conclude with a discussion about what the Section can most usefully do for members, our starting point being an email survey of member’s interests carried out by John Harwood last April.

 A Buffet Lunch will be included in the price for the day.


Price                         CA Members         £16

                                Non members        £27


(A single non member price will be deducted from the Household Membership subscription if a non member joins on the day.)

 To book your place(s)  please call CA House  020 7537 2828 or email