

Med Section Boat Show Party

Wed, 10/01/2018 - 19:00 to 22:00

Mediterranean Section Boat Show Party - Wed 10th January, 2018 

The Annual Med Section Boat Show party will take place on the evening of the opening day of the London Boat Show. The event will be held at CA House. 

Carol Service & Supper

Wed, 13/12/2017 - 17:45 to 22:30

Carol Service & Supper  - St Annes, Limehouse & CA House - 13th December, 2017

Begin your Festive Season by joining us at this event!

Med Section Meeting & Talk

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 18:45 to 22:00

Med Section Meeting & Talk - CA House - 16th November, 2017

Barrie Neilson, the founder and owner of Sailing Holidays, will be talking about the development of flotilla holidays, which have been an avenue into sailing for very many of us. Barrie will talk about some of his biggest challenges in going from small beginnings to Sailing Holidays having one of the biggest fleets of privately owned yachts in the world. If you ever sailed one of their Jaguars come along for some nostalgia!!

CA Northern Lights Land Rally - Iceland 2017

Sun, 26/03/2017 - 08:00 to Wed, 29/03/2017 - 18:00

CA Northern Lights Land Rally - Iceland  - 26th-29th March 2017

An excellent opportunity to visit the sites of Iceland and, hopefully, to see the Northern Lights.

We will be spending three nights based at the Hotel Storm in the centre of Reykjavik.

We have a very full itinerary:-

26th March

Arrivals at the hotel throughout the day

Med Seminar - 11th & 12th March 2017

Sat, 11/03/2017 - 10:30 to Sun, 12/03/2017 - 16:30

Med Seminar - 11th & 12th March, 2017 - CA House

In the recent past the Mediterranean Section Seminar has often been oversubscribed and we have had to turn down bookings.This year we have decided to run this event over two days on Saturday/Sunday 11th/12th March.

Med Section Meeting & Talk - CA House

Thu, 23/02/2017 - 18:45 to 22:00

Med Section Meeting & Talk -  23rd February, 2017 - 18:45 - CA House

Section meeting followed by a talk by Keith Pettican.

The meeting at CA House will start at 18:45 when we will have the usual, very brief, Section meeting to update on latest news etc, followed by the talk by Keith Pettican at 19:15 .....

 "Aegean to Messolonghi, via the Corinth Canal, and beyond to the Ionian"

Med Section Boat Show Party

Wed, 11/01/2017 - 19:00 to 22:30

Mediterranean Section Boat Show Party - Wed 11th January, 2017 

The Annual Boat Show party will take place during the week of the London Boat Show. The event will be held at CA House on the evening of Wednesday 11th January.

If you are coming to the Boat Show do come along and meet up with all the friends you’ve made during your time sailing and make new friends.  

Med Section Meeting & Talk

Thu, 17/11/2016 - 18:45 to 22:00

Thur 17th November - 18:45 - CA House

Section meeting followed by a talk by Graham and Kate Walker about their experiences in the Med. 

The meeting at CA House will start at 18:45 when we will have the usual, very brief, Section meeting to update on latest news etc, followed by the talk at 19:15 .....

 "To and from the Med in four years".

Carol Service & Supper

Wed, 14/12/2016 - 17:45 to 22:00

Begin your Festive Season by joining us at this event!

Please come and join us for Carols at St Anne's Limehouse on Wednesday 14th December.  The evening begins with mulled wine and minced pies at CA House before a wonderful short walk along the star-lit canal path as the bells of St Anne's ring out. Then join in the Candlelight Carol service at St Anne's; one of the most beautiful of Hawksmoor's churches.  After our walk back along the canal path, there is Christmas supper at CA House where you can chat with old friends and make new ones. 

Med Section Summer Party - 2016

Sun, 21/08/2016 - 12:30 to 16:00

We would like to invite you all to the 2016 Mediterranean Section Summer Party on SUNDAY 21st August at 12.30pm. (NB: Not on a Saturday this year)

This year’s party will be held at the home of Derek and Helen Harris in Peterborough. The cost is £12 per head, which covers the cost of drinks and party expenses. All participants are asked to bring a dish (sweet or savoury). If you have a favourite dish that you would like to bring please let Peggie Manton know when booking.