CA Site Ring

The CA Site ring is a directory of Sailing-related Web and Blog sites by Cruising Association members. By clicking on either the associated home page thumbnail or the name, you can go directly to that site.
If you wish, you can search for a site either by entering its name in the Site Name box, or by using keywords (e.g. Baltic).

The CA is not responsible for the content of any site this directory links to.

This blog is our photographic and written record of our dream adventure to explore the world on our sailing yacht, Blue Velvet of Sark. We both left work early and set off from the UK in 2013,  not really sure if our gamble would work. Would we be able to afford to live this dream lifestyle? Would reality live up to the dream expectations? Would we be constantly plagued by boat breakages ... the cruising is "yacht maintenance in exotic places" analogy? We don't know the answer to all of those questions yet but the blog tracks our progress and the fun we are having along the way finding out.

The summer cruises of Whileaway a Westerly Oceanquest sailed by Andrea and Richard.

2014 – the Channel Islands, Brittany and the Biscay coast of France. 2015 – the north east coast of France, Belgium and the standing mast routes through the Netherlands. 2016 – from Amsterdam, through Friesland, the German Frisian Islands and the Kiel Canal to the Baltic Sea. Then exploring south and west Denmark, the east coast of Sweden and the north coast of Germany. 2017 – Along the north coast of Germany to Rugen, across to Bornholm, the south east coast of Sweden to Karlskrona, returning to Ystadt, then Danish islands of Ven through Smalandsfarvandet, Sonderborg, and finally Schleswig and on to Fehmarnin Germany. 2018 - Plans are to head further up the east coast of Sweden.

Blog record of our sailing along the South coast, Channel and France.  Currently with our Najad 380 "Falken" but with history from our previous boats

My site is primarily about how to  obtain, understand and use  marine weather forecasts. I hope that it will help sailors to get a better understanding about weather on all scales of time and space..

We are Iris and Robin fro Switzerland and decided to sail the seven seas, bought a boat, equipped it and started in Sicily, on to Greece, Turkey, back to Greece, on to Italy, Malta, Tunisia, Italy Greece and Italy again. Plan is to slowly go west and cross the pond in 2018 - plans tend to change when sailing - will see! The blog is in English and German and just talks about our travel and our experiences.

Kalessin of Orwell is a 33ft Westerly Storm sailed by Sam and Camilla and their two sons, Guy and Ben. In 2006-8 we sailed her down to Portugal, into the Med, and home through the French canals. In 2011 we explored Baltic Germany and Denmark. After Sam's stroke in 2012 we didn't give up on sailing: we cruised gently in Denmark and Germany in summer 2013, and Kalessin is now cruising in home waters on the UK East Coast, Belgium, and the Netherlands. And after Sam's death in 2023 Camilla plans a commemorative Round-Britain voyage

Nick Mines' Hejira web site is an attempt to consolidate previous hosting of location, track, images and the blog history (including the award winning accounts of the Atlantic crossing in November 2015 and BVI to Bermuda in 2016) into a central, easily accessed forum for family, friends and others interested in the adventures of ‘Hejira’ and her crew.

Please feel free to make contact to offer any comments or suggestions which might make our humble efforts more accessible, helpful or interesting.

This blog follows the adventures of Jo and Liz on their Westerly Ocenalord, Nimrod of Tamar having left their home port of Portsmouth in 2012.

Canaries to Caribbean

A small blog that records sailing trips each year plus other adventures and holidays.  The menu at the top of the home page takes you the latest trips.  In the summer of 2024 Purrfect Tale sailed from the Hamble down to South Brittany (Lorient) mainly single handed.