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The summer cruises of Whileaway a Westerly Oceanquest sailed by Andrea and Richard.
2014 – the Channel Islands, Brittany and the Biscay coast of France. 2015 – the north east coast of France, Belgium and the standing mast routes through the Netherlands. 2016 – from Amsterdam, through Friesland, the German Frisian Islands and the Kiel Canal to the Baltic Sea. Then exploring south and west Denmark, the east coast of Sweden and the north coast of Germany. 2017 – Along the north coast of Germany to Rugen, across to Bornholm, the south east coast of Sweden to Karlskrona, returning to Ystadt, then Danish islands of Ven through Smalandsfarvandet, Sonderborg, and finally Schleswig and on to Fehmarnin Germany. 2018 - Plans are to head further up the east coast of Sweden.