Traditional Boat Building skills preserved in Lowestoft by Mike and Lyn Tupper

Traditional boat building skills are the central focus of the International Boatbuilding Training College at Lowestoft. Our speakers, co-owners Mike and Lyn Tupper, are passionate about preserving and promoting traditional skills and believe that learning should begin by working with a variety of tools on real projects from day one as Dennis and Anne Kell discovered when they took their wooden boat there to complete it. 

Date and Time: Thursday 23rd January 2025, Doors open at 11:00, Talk at 11:30, Lunch at 13:00.

Venue: Royal Harwich Yacht Club, Woolverstone, Ipswich, IP9 1AT; Lat and Long: N52⁰ 0.34’ E001⁰ 11.8’; National Grid Reference: TM 1952 3896; What.Three.Words: ///lion.jumpy.chuckling.

Free car parking at the Club.

Download directions to the Club here.

What: Winter Talk, with or without a meal.

Open to: Members of the CA, CS and RHYC and to non-members.

Guests: Members are encouraged to bring one guest each at the member's rate, just book your guest as an additional member when booking your place.

Non-Members: Additional guests of members, and also non-members, are welcome to attend at the non-member's rate.

Booking: Opens about six weeks before the event.

Contact: Simon and Georgette,