RYA VHF Radio Course plus Assessment

Details: The RYA VHF Radio Course is also known as the Short Range Certificate (SRC) Course. It is a 1 day course in how to operate a VHF Radio and all the procedures associated with using a radio, for example calling marinas, how to send a Mayday or a PanPan and how to ‘relay’ either of these. The VHF Course covers Digital Selective Calling (DSC) – the method of calling other yachts electronically, as well as the traditional method of calling by voice.

The course is run by First Class Sailing and full details can be found here.

Date: Saturday 11 May 2024, 10am - 5pm, plus Assessment on Sunday 12 May 2024.

Place: CA House

Cost: £149 - £22 discount for CA members. To attend an assessment costs £30. There is also a £70 licence fee payable to the RYA beforehand