Channel Section Seminar 2023

28th January 2023 at CA House, London

You are invited to our annual one-day seminar for CA members and non-members interested in cruising in the Channel area whether they are experienced or not.

During the day there will be presentations from members, a group discussion/activity, a chance to socialise and chat over lunch (included) and at the end of the day discussions and networking plus the option to continue this in the bar and over dinner.

Main Presentations

Rounding Headlands – Cathy & Steve Lacey

Rounding headlands presents a number of challenges including weather, tide, depth changes etc. which can lead to overfalls, dramatic changes as you head round or simply timing issues. This presentation will look at the general issue of their safe and efficient navigation as well as looking at some specific headlands in the English Channel.

Our First Channel Crossing – Dave & Hilary Roissetter

Dave & Hilary say “In common with many others, we bought our first boat during the pandemic. Based in the Solent we wanted to broaden our horizons and cross the English Channel. We knew the theory but that wasn’t enough to overcome the anxiety of being all alone out of sight of land, nor the challenges of travelling to the EU in this post-Brexit world. The CA Channel rally of 2022 was a godsend in every way at just the right time and we returned full of confidence and with many new friends. Come and hear more of our adventure.”

Channel Section Rallies: 2022 and 2023 – Paul & Liz Harewood

A review of the two Channel Section rallies held in 2022 with their attendant challenges of French Entry/Exit, and lack of Plymouth rally berths but both successful. Then a look forward to plans for 2023 including another cross-Channel rally with newer Entry/Exit rules plus other the West Country rally plans.

Going East – Zoë O'Connell

Heading east from the Solent has fewer ports to visit but they are varied, interesting to visit and important passage stops along that coast whether going east or west, or preparing to cross the Channel. Zoë has slowly worked her way westward over the last few years, holding long term berths in a number of eastern Channel marinas and will look at the various locations and focus on Brighton, Eastbourne, Ramsgate and Dover.

Alternative Energy Supplies – Andy Guppy and Richard Marshall

Andy and Richard will present separately about why and how they have adopted alternative energy sources and energy storage on their yachts for propulsion, cooking and general electrical supply. This includes alternative fuel for diesel engines, gas cooker replacement, solar, lithium batteries, and integrated power modules. 

Vive La Difference? - Group Activity!

Those of us that have sailed to France know what attracts us – and it maybe different for each of us. Can we identify what is different there (in sailing and ashore), and maybe discover what might we be missing out on? And if you haven’t sailed there what are the attractions and what differences might you benefit from being aware of. 
We will divide into groups to share our individual ideas and then share the group’s ideas with the rest of the attendees. As happened with a similar group discussion at a Channel Seminar this might end up being a magazine article.

Effective Channel Passage Making – Bob Garrett

For many, crossing the Channel will be their longest passage of the year. How can this be best planned and executed to be as effective as possible? We will look at tidal calculations and assessment tables, course to steer, best use of wind, the lee-bow effect, velocity made good, the effects of wind and waves on passage, sail trim, avoiding ships, passage port choice including gates, locks, sills and flaps. All intended to get you safely and quickly to the bar.


10.30    Registration commences and coffee
11.00    Morning Presentations start
12.30    Lunch (cold buffet)
13.30    Afternoon presentations start
14.45    Afternoon tea
17.15    Seminar ends but informal further networking and discussions
18.30    Optional dinner with the Channel Secretaries, some of the presenters and some attendees, choosing from the standard CA Galley Menu


CA Members    £39 or £29 for early booking (by the end of 31st December 2022).
Non-members    £49 or £39 for early booking (by the end of 31st December 2022). Non members get £10 reduction if they join on the day as well as any other relevant membership discounts.
Please indicate when booking whether you intend to stay for the dinner afterwards so The Galley can cater for the approximate numbers. Payment for dinner will be when ordering your menu choice on the evening.

Bar & CA Shop

The bar will be open at lunchtime and in the evening for other drinks.
There will be the opportunity to purchase goods (CA Almanac, bunting and merchandise) from the CA shop during the day – so saving postage costs.


Space will be limited so book you place(s) now by selecting the Channel Seminar on this page.