Each month we feature one of the 6,500+ locations on CAptain’s Mate app. Showcasing anchorages, harbours, marinas, ports, boatyards and quays in 70+ countries worldwide, CAptain’s Mate app provides you with information on locations, their facilities and amenities, helping you to plan your cruising adventures.
In January we headed south to Turkey and this month we turn north to Grimsby in the UK, a port town on the south bank of the Humber estuary. There are multiple member contributions sharing first-hand information on Grimsby and we focus on the insights of Christopher Lawrence who cruises a Nauticat 331:
"Grimsby Marina
All non-members who request a lock movement pay a fee. The fish docks send the bill to the Humber Cruising Association berth master who collects the fee on behalf of the lock.
Members by appointment can sometimes be locked in for free but if there is heavy commercial traffic we often have to wait for the free flow at HW +/- 2 hrs. We often wait for free flow by anchoring in the shallows off Cleethorpes beach about 0.5 nm east of the pier arms. Good clean holding.
If the wind is in the north there is comfortable anchorage under the lee of the north bank at Hawkins Point about an hour away but you have to notify VTS (ch 14) of your intentions.
The anchorage at Spurn is onto clay with easy setting and good holding. The anchorage feels exposed due to the low lying land and large expanse of water but the bight gives good shelter although not in a lively southerly breeze."

Available on iOS, Android and web, CAptain’s Mate app is exclusive to members, delivering a digital cruising guide and unique package of features covering 6,500+ locations in 70+ countries with 20,000+ member contributions. Discover more of the benefits of CA membership here.
2 February 2022