Baltic Section Virtual Information Session - The Swedish Lifeboat Service/Sailing Lake Mälaren/New Chart Datum and its effect on Swedish Charts. 

Virtual Information Session - The Swedish Lifeboat Service/Sailing Lake Mälaren/New Chart Datum and its effect on Swedish Charts. 

Saturday 5th March 2022

1430 to 1630 via Zoom


CA member Anders Räntilä is a volunteer with the Swedish lifeboat service.  Join us to learn about their work - particularly in the last two summers when many Swedes stayed at home, bought boats – with the inevitable result of “beginner mistakes”. 

Have you ever sailed on Lake Mälaren?  Did you know that there are a couple segments of old Mulberry harbours from D-day there?  Not to mention all the castles and many other interesting places to visit…..

New Chart Datum has been introduced in Sweden – Anders will give us some insight into this new system and how it is affecting the latest Swedish charts.


TO BOOK:  This event is open to members and Crewing Service members only.  You will need to be logged in to see the link below to register to join this webinar.

Register now using the following link:

Please note that the timings given above are correct i.e. 1430 to 1630.  When registering, the start time given in the confirmation email is 1330.  This is because we have booked some prior time just to ensure everything is in place before we start the webinar proper at 1430.