Inland Waterways of Ireland, Robin & Gillie Whittle

Thursday 22nd November 2018, Morning Meeting at RHYC Woolverstone

1100 for 1130 talk. Lunch available at the RHYC 1300

Robin and Gillie have trailer-sailed their Cornish Shrimper 'Bumble Chugger’ for more than 20 years, including to Norway. A year ago they had adventures sailing up the River Shannon, through many large Loughs, then crossing through the canal to the River Erne in Northern Ireland and sailing to Lower Lough Erne which extends nearly to the North West coast of Ireland.

They enjoy the camping life-style and meeting many locals.

Talk and lunch £9-50, talk only £5-00.

You can book now via the RHYC website. If in difficulty call the office between 9am – 4pm Monday to Friday on 01473 780 319 and they will be happy to help