From Troon to the Spanish Rias
Peter Lyle
Peter won the 2015 Hanson Cup for is log of this trip from Scotland to Atlantic Spain in Albatross, a 35-foot Jeanneau. His talk will describe the highs (and occasional lows) of a season’s sailing; memories of the voyage and the great places discovered; and what he and Jean learned about longer hop sailing.
Tuesday 5 December 2017
Upper Thames Sailing Club, Riverside, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5RF (Use sL8 5PT for SatNav's to avoid ending up in the marina!)
Bar Opens: 19:15
Talks Start: 20:00
Ticket Price £5. Our December meeting includes mulled wine and homemade mince pies.
For those wishing to have an early evening meal beforehand, the Spade Oak PH (01628 520090) is situated in Coldmoorholme Lane just before the turning into Upper Thames way.
After parking, please be careful crossing the railway - it is used every day all through the year.
All very welcome.