Birds and Barges

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Birds and Barges

Hands on sailing on the Thames Barge “Victor” down the River Orwell and up the Stour with Rick Vonn, RSPB Warden on board to help identify the LBJs. (Little Brown Jobs).  Spot the seasonal migrants, and, perhaps, some very special sights. You can see information about last year's barge trip in last December's newsletter from the Suffolk section. (See the newsletter Archive).

This will be an ‘all day’ event starting from the RHYC marina at Woolverstone. Hot tea and coffee served throughout the day. Five star bacon butties available to buy on board.

Bookings now being taken (see below), cost £33 per head, full programme and joining instructions will follow in due course.

This event has been arranged by the Suffolk Section, but is open to all members, guests and friends.