A Stackie to London - the Thames Sailing Barge Dawn

A Stackie to London - the Story of the Thames Sailing Barge Dawn, by Gerard Swift

The Dawn Sailing Barge Trust was started by the late Capt. Gordon Swift. Gerard continued the restoration and the management and direction of the Trust.  Dawn is the last working example of a Thames Stack Barge built with a tiller and can still carry a cargo.

Gerard is the skipper and has tales to tell including the trip from Essex up the London River re-enacting the days of a Stackie with Griff Rys-Jones and TV crew.

You can see some details about Dawn on the Historic Ships Register here.

Bar open 18:00, Meal at 18:45, Talk 20:00

Cost: £13.50 Please see the attached form for details on how to book for this meeting.


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