Changing from Sail to Power, James Littlewood

Changing from Sail to Power, to Europe with Paddington V, James Littlewood

James Littlewood is well known to us as an interesting and entertaining speaker. In 2014 James and Carol exchanged their sailing yacht Paddington IV for a spacious motor cruiser, inevitably christened Paddington V.James will take us through the rewards and challenges they encountered in making the change from sail to power. These went far beyond just acquiring new boat handling skills and included their whole attitude to equipment and cruising in general.

The talk will be illustrated by James’ wonderful photographs and an account of their sometimes hair-raising venture into the inland waters of Europe.

Bar open 18:00, Meal at 18:45, Talk 20:00

Supper £13-50. Talk only £5.

Please download the Booking Form here.