Cooking across the Atlantic, Julia Horner

"It’s a cook’s dilemma not to overprovision and have perishable things wasted, or get to the stage where there is not much variety left.” says Julia in her diary of a boat cook.  When John Simpson stood up at a CA Crewing Service meeting to ask for volunteers to join him on the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers, Julia jumped at the chance.

Her talk will cover provisioning for a long voyage with four people and no freezer, and the techniques she used for keeping both food and crew fresh to the end: selecting, packing and checking produce for maximum lifespan, planning to conserve fuel, catching fish, discouraging cockroaches and dealing with rubbish – oh and sailing of course.

It’s not only an army that marches on its stomach and this talk is packed with brilliant ideas and advice for all cruising sailors.

Individual lecture tickets: Members £4.00 , Non-members £7.00

To book contact Secretariat Tel: 0207 537 2828 or email