Saturday November 3rd 2012, Laying-up Lunch and talk by Simon Fraser; in the Sail Loft Suite, Boating World, Landrake, Liskeard PL12 5EF.
As we have outlined we are trying a new event for our first gathering of this winter season, in a new location as well! Boating World is a yard some of you may know, now run by a friendly and efficient new team it is on the upper reaches of the River Lynher in an old quarry and has a certain charm of its own! The new conference/training facilities there were completed in the spring and are very comfortable and smart. We hope that CA SW members will enjoy getting together for a convivial meeting that is for us and our guests with plenty of opportunity to chat about the weather, recent cruising experiences and all things boating!
Simon Fraser, a popular and experienced speaker will talk about his recent cruising to, from and in the Baltic, an increasingly popular and very lovely area.
Lunch will be a hot buffet with desert and coffee, the Bar will be open over lunchtime.
After lunch we will have a brief Section ‘evolution discussion’ sharing ideas between us over tea and we will then be able to continue socialising, greeting old friends and making new ones.
10.30 Arrival and coffee and biscuits.
11.00 Talk, Simon Fraser.
12.30 Lunch – followed by coffee
14.00 SW Section Evolution discussion.
14.45 Tea
Cost £18.00 per person for members, £20.00 per person for non-members
We need to have bookings by the end of September as we may have to cancel and (lose our modest deposit) if we do not have enough people able to come. Book buy emailing to ask for a booking form.