Chatham Historic Dockyard - All Day Coach Trip

We have booked a group visit to Chatham Historic Dockyard in Kent. Valerie and David visited the dockyard last summer as part of their summer cruise and enjoyed it so much that they returned for a second visit on the following day. There is so much to see: three Historic Warships covering a century of development, the oldest working ropewalk in the world, a series of tableau illustrating the World of Wooden ships and Nelson’s Navy, ship models and marine paintings displays from the National Maritime Museum, the wonderful wooden and later wrought iron and steel ship building sheds, a collection of RNLI Lifeboats, and much, much more. Visit the museum’s website for further information.

Details and costs in a future Newsletter, but the coach will leave from RHYC, Woolverstone at 08:30, with a pick-up in Colchester. Return to Woolverstone about 18:00.