With cruising sailors firmly anchored ashore in the face of the Covid-19 clampdown, the Cruising Association’s (CA) South West Section has launched a new podcast to keep maritime spirits lifted despite not being able to get afloat.
This is first in the new series of topical podcasts with a CA South-West focus but also including highly relevant information for anyone missing the sheer joy of messing about in boats.
A lifeline for sailors marooned ashore!
Trevor Taylor, the CA’s SW Section Secretary and Podcast producer, says:
"At this time of year our many thousands of members would be launching their boats but that isn’t going to happen this year. So, we’ve put together this 30-minute podcast with ideas of boaty jobs that can be undertaken at home, some lighthearted chats with members and a couple of more practical and reassuring messages from the CA’s General Manager and also the CA’s Web Editor."
April’s podcast features:
- The CA’s General Manager explains how a multitude of CA member services are still up and running
- How a CA member stranded in Morlaix, Brittany, is surviving
- News of a new budget chart plotter
- How the CA’s Web Editor and the CA’s Regulations & Technical Services (RATS) group is keeping everyone up-to-date with port closures in the face of Covid-19
- A timely tip for boat maintenance at home
- Discover a CA member’s video about compass swinging
- A cautionary tale when you do eventually launch!
The CA has made this podcast available to its membership and also, given these unusual times, to the wider public. Everyone is invited to listen to the full podcast below.
Please note that different browsers will display the audio controls for this podcast differently and some will not include the download button on the audio controls. An additional download facility is therefore provided - simply click on the CA podcast icon, to the right of the podcast, below. If your browser then prompts for what action to take, select 'Save File'. If you are using Safari on Mac, you will need to click CTRL + left click on the podcast icon, then select 'Download Linked File'.
6 April 2020

Trevor Taylor, SW Section Secretary and Podcast Producer