Duncan Wells - author of the ‘Stress Free’ range of sail and motor books and most recently ‘101 Tips for Stress Free Sailing’ - lives and breathes sailing, navigation and instruction. Learn from his expert insights on why thinking ahead is vital to prevent problems.
If you can remember back to the last time you had an issue, a problem…it probably wasn’t something out of your control like volcanic ash landing on you or an iceberg collapsing in front of you or a tsunami, it was probably as a result of something you did or did not do…it was a result of a lack of preparation.
At least that is the way it is for me. Because with all this I am really speaking to me.
Let’s take things back to the very basic and the simple business of securing a line to a cleat.
I remember many many years ago being invited to take part in a race on a Contessa 32. It was the newest latest boat at the time. I had only really sailed dinghies up to this point and although I knew how to sail I wasn’t much in the seamanship department. And so when a line was thrust into my hand and I was told to, 'Hop ashore old boy and pop that round a cleat', I was terrified. Fortunately the line was taken from my hand by an older hand and they did it. So first off it is very important to make sure that all crew know how to secure a line to a cleat. Telling newcomers to 'make it fast' will only elicit the response. "I’m going as fast as I can". Or asking them to take a turn round the cleat, "What? Twirl round it like this?" No. with the line.
And the difference between stepping off a boat with a line in hand that you are not quite sure what you are supposed to do with and expecting to be shouted at, as opposed to stepping off knowing that you will OXO it to the cleat and all will be well and you will be praised, is enormous.
The talk will include all (a few) of the tips and tricks that I espouse in my Stress Free Sailing and Navigation books.
The broadcast will be approximately one hour with a talk of about 40 minutes followed by a 20 minute Q&A session.
Date: Saturday 26 March 2022
Time: 14:00
Place: Your own home or boat (Zoom webinar)
Booking: This free webinar is open to all (members and non-members). If you would like to join the webinar broadcast, please register via Zoom here.

During Spring Promo Week, CA members can receive 30% off books by Duncan Wells from Reeds and Adlard Coles - see the Spring Promo Week Adlard Coles partner page for details.