Extreme Voyagers, Jeremy Batch, 21/11/15

Extreme Voyagers, Part 1, Jeremy Batch. 21st of November 2015

Royal Harwich Yacht Club, Woolverstone, Suffolk

A welcome return by Jeremy, a popular and highly entertaining speaker that we know well, with a new talk based on his latest researches.

'Was the propeller invented in 1836 by an Englishman, in 1776 by an American, in 1490 by an Italian or in 240 BC by a Greek?  How did a duck, a cockerel and a sheep come to be test pilots?  When was Stratford’s rocket factory set-up?  Plus: the story of the steam engine, the first submarine (1776), the first manned flight (1783), some “great ships” (from Brunel and others), a flying machine that was 800ft long, and a chance to revise some of your school physics!'

We have already asked Jeremy to return in November 2016 to give us Part II of the story.



Two course supper and talk  £13-50.  Talk only £5. Bar open 18:00.  Meal at 18:45, Talk 20:00

Please book in advance to help the organizers.

Telephone or email:   RHYC, Woolverstone, Ipswich, IP9 IAT Tel: 01473 780319

Email: office.manager@royalharwich.co.uk

Cheques payable to RHYC, no charge for Debit Cards, Credit Cards will attract a fee.