Sailing around Britain in memory of Sam, Camilla Herrmann

Cruising editor Camilla Herrmann and her husband Sam Brown always wanted to sail around Britain in their Westerly Storm Kalessin of Orwell, but after Sam suffered a stroke in 2012 which left him seriously disabled and with limited speech, it really wasn’t a practicable option. They continued to sail gently, with crew, in the waters of the East Coast, the Netherlands and France. In 2023 Sam died, and Camilla decided to devote the summer of 2024 to sailing anti-clockwise around (most of) Britain in his memory. She describes finding and sailing with crew; the challenges of dealing with bumpy waters, unknown harbours, anchoring and reefing, after years of undemanding marina-hopping; encountering Scotland’s worst summer in many years... and returning home (by train) to edit this issue of Cruising. Once it had gone to press, Camilla was due to set off through the Irish Sea towards the English Channel, and she will report on whether the voyage was completed successfully.

Please note: lectures can be watched live online but we do not generally make recordings available after the event, for a number of reasons relating to time and copyright issues.


Date: Wednesday 20 November 2024

Time: 19:00

Place: CA House or, for the webinar broadcast via Zoom, your own home or boat

Booking (to attend at CA House): To book places on any lecture, and to indicate whether you’ll be ordering food, click on [Book venue]. Please pay in advance on the website, or by contactless on the door. Any problems with the booking system, call or email Mandie on 020 7537 2828/

Tickets (to attend at CA House): Members £4, non-members £7. Season tickets are also available to members £32.

Booking (to join the webinar via Zoom): The webinar broadcast is open to members, including Crewing Service members, only. You will need to login to see the details below.

If you would like to join the webinar broadcast, please register via Zoom here. There will be no charge for viewing online.