East Coast Bank Holiday Rally 2025 - Booking opens in March

Another event-packed Bank Holiday weekend for all CA East Coast Sailors. Suffolk, Essex and Kent CA Members usually attend with a few from further away, and all are most welcome. 

Activities: There will be a Passage “Race” and indoor “Pontoon Party” on Saturday; on Sunday an outing; Royal Harwich Art Exhibition; and dinner with speaker; and a Monday morning walk along the river to the Butt and Oyster at Pin Mill - an event-packed weekend.

Date: Early May Bank Holiday weekend, arrive on Saturday 3rd May, depart on Monday 5th  May.

Venue: Royal Harwich Yacht Club Marina on the River Orwell.

Transport: Arrive by boat (preferential mooring rates), car (free parking at RHYC), motor home (book and pay MDL Marina on 01473 780206 for parking), bicycle or foot for all or some of the activities.

Open to: Members of the CA, CS, and their guests.

Booking:  Opens early March