Sir Cloudesley Shovell’s shipwreck and his impact on longitude by Cathy Shelbourne

His achievements were as impressive as his name. Sir Cloudesley was the greatest admiral in Stuart times. But his ignominious end, shipwrecked on the shores of the Scilly Isles, led to the establishment of the Longitude Act and the ability of sailors – and cruise ship captains – to pinpoint exactly where we are at all times!

Date and Time: Saturday 12th October 2024, Doors open at 18:00, Supper at 18.45, Talk at 20:00.

Venue: Royal Harwich Yacht Club, Woolverstone, Ipswich, IP9 1AT; Lat and Long: N52⁰ 0.34’ E001⁰ 11.8’; National Grid Reference: TM 1952 3896; What.Three.Words: ///lion.jumpy.chuckling.

Free car parking at the Club.

Download directions to the Club here.

What: Winter Talk, with or without a meal.

Open to: Members of the CA, CS and RHYC, who are encouraged to bring one guest each at the member's rate.

Additional guests of members, and also non-members, are welcome to attend at the non-member's rate.

Booking: Opens about six weeks before the event.

Contact: Simon and Georgette,