Southern Ocean Sketchbook by Claudia Myatt - Plus tips for sketching afloat

Suffolk artist, Claudia Myatt, is known for her cartoons and illustrations in yachting magazines as well as for the 'RYA Go Sailing' series of books. She likes to take her sketchbook to the world's wild places and in recent years she's been lucky enough to travel to Antarctica, South Georgia and the Southern Ocean. Join us for a fascinating evening with Claudia as she shares with us her sketches and tales of sailing round Cape Horn as well as travelling to Antarctica with the Royal Navy on board icebreaker, HMS Protector.

Plus, Claudia will give us some tips on what to take to enable us to make our own sketches whilst afloat.

Date and Time: Saturday 16th November 2024, Doors open at 18:00, Dinner at 18:45, Talk at 20:00.

Venue: Royal Harwich Yacht Club, Woolverstone, Ipswich, IP9 1AT; Lat and Long: N52⁰ 0.34’ E001⁰ 11.8’; National Grid Reference: TM 1952 3896; What.Three.Words: ///lion.jumpy.chuckling.

Free car parking at the Club.

Download directions to the Club here.

What: Winter Talk, with or without a meal.

Open to: Members of the CA, CS and RHYC, who are encouraged to bring one guest each at the member's rate.

Additional guests of members, and also non-members, are welcome to attend at the non-member's rate.

Booking: Opens about six weeks before the event.

Contact: Simon and Georgette,