Platforms, Pirates and Pornography by Andy Beharrell - Cancelled

News flash: Some members of the catering team at RHYC have tested positive for Covid. As a result,  the meal could not be provided on Saturday and we have therefore reluctantly decided to cancel the meeting. We look forward to an opportunity to hear Andy's talk on another occasion.

"The Second World War army and navy forts were built offshore in the Thames Estuary to protect London from enemy air force and naval incursions.  Andy will also examine what is left of the forts and their unique legacy.

"Andy is a local yachtsman, just back from sailing in the Arctic, and a Trustee of the Woolverstone Project. This charity provides sailing opportunities and tuition for those with disabilities throughout the year on Alton Water and, during the summer months, from Woolverstone on the River Orwell."

Date and Time: Saturday 25th February 2023, Doors open at 18:00, Dinner at 18:45, Talk at 20:00.

Venue: Royal Harwich Yacht Club, Woolverstone, Ipswich, IP9 1AT; Lat and Long: N52⁰ 0.34’ E001⁰ 11.8’; National Grid Reference: TM 1952 3896; What.Three.Words: ///lion.jumpy.chuckling. Free car parking at the Club. Download directions to the Club here.

What: Winter Talk, with or without a meal.

Open to: Members of the CA, CS, RHYC, and their guests.

Book Now: Click here to visit the Royal Harwich Yacht Club website to book places.

Contact: Simon and Georgette,