Beginners’ Guide to the Baltic, Colin Wilson

The Baltic - arguably one of the best cruising areas in the world – and it’s almost on our doorstep. Why visit, what might you find, how can you get there, how do you get back home again, what about language, isn’t it expensive?

Colin will share answers to these and many other questions during his ‘Beginners Guide to the Baltic’. Hear something about the history, the nature and the people that make this a ‘must do’ destination on any cruiser’s wish list. He will also explain some of the fantastic resources about cruising in the Baltic that are available to CA members.

Date: Wednesday 14 November. Lectures and talks start promptly at 1900 hrs.

Place: CA House

Booking: To book places on any lecture, and to indicate whether you’ll be ordering food, click on [Book Events Online]. Please pay on the door as usual. Any problems with the booking system, call or email Jeremy on 020 7537 2828/ Tickets are: £4 for members and £7 for non-members. Season tickets are available at £28 for the nine lectures from 3 October to 5 December.