Weather Information for Cruise Planning

Weather Information for Cruise Planning, by Dr. Andrew Eccleston

Andrew Eccleston is a Chartered Meteorologist and Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society. He worked in the weather business for about 20 years, providing forecast services to media and aviation. He is also an RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore and Shore-based Instructor and sails a Dufour 36 from Plymouth.

The main part of the talk will describe a real voyage from Plymouth to South Brittany and back, showing all the sources of weather data used and a discussion of how this influenced the decisions made on the trip. This will be useful for anyone contemplating their first cross-channel trip, but will also include information of interest to those who have been sailing for many years and are looking to extend their knowledge - including a description of some of the latest techniques used to generate weather forecasts.

Andrew will also talk about his experiences sailing as 1st Mate on the second circumnavigation of Gipsy Moth IV.

Date: Wednesday 9th of March. Lectures and talks start promptly at 19:00 hrs

Place: CA House

Booking: To book, please contact the CA Office on 0207 537 2828 or email Tickets are £4 for members and £7 for non-members. Season tickets are available at £20 for the eight lectures 3 February to 23 March.