Local Oral History of the River and Pin Mill

Daytime Meeting at RHYC Orwell Room

Coffee 11:00, Meeting 11:30, Bar 12:30, Lunch 13:00 (Booking essential).

This meeting is a new venture for us. The meeting is during the day in response to several requests. The idea is that Mark Grimwade and three companions of a similar vintage will lead a discussion in which they reminisce on the history of the River, Pin Mill, the Club, the Cruising Association in Suffolk and sailing yarns and personalities in general. Everyone attending will be encouraged to join in with their own stories (tall or otherwise). The proceedings will be recorded and added to the RHYC archive and a copy given to the Ipswich Maritime Trust.

Don’t be shy – give it a try.

Please book the lunch so that we can arrange the catering. A booking form can be downloaded here.