Wednesday March 20thThe Royal Western Yacht Club, Plymouth, Peter and Penny Adam, CA and RWYC members will, after the club supper, tell us about Sailing around the Balearic Islands. Their synopsis reads: In 2012, Penny and Peter Adam sailed 1500 miles their Sun Odyssey 37 Pearl of Wembury from mainland Spain around all four of the Balearic Islands: Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. They spent most nights at anchor, but they also hired cars to explore the interiors of these attractive and diverse islands. Unlike Britain, the weather was always warm and usually sunny, although several storms were experienced.
The talk is preceeded by a club supper at 19.00, the talk will start at 20.00. For further information or to book in for the supper and talk please either email or phone Jill on 01579 382451