Near and Far evening, including the photo competition

The ever popular Near and Far Evening

 A Day in the Life of a Sailing Instructor.          Mike Graham

    Mike is a former RHYC Commodore and President and one of the Club’s RYA Sailing Instructors. He has promised not to ‘name names’. 

Channel Challenge      Jessie and Charles Nesbit

    Jessie and Charles are winners of the new RHYC Cruising Log Trophy for a short cruise. 

Neither ‘Near’ nor ‘Far’         David Sadler

    David will describe the delights of cruising in the Solent from an East Coast Sailor’s perspective. 

Memorable Anchorages and Anchoring           Bill Miller

     Bill has cruised both ‘Near’ and ‘Far’ over many years. He will share with us some favourite anchorages and some tips on how to stay put for a peaceful night.


The evening is always very popular and attracts a full house. This year the Photo Competition will “go digital” and take the form of a Photo Show in the hope of attracting a wider entry. More details below. We will provide display boards and tables so that you can set out charts, logs and mementoes of your own cruises. These displays are always popular with members and can spark ideas for your 2012 cruise. We will also have details of the CA Crewing Service to hand so that lack of a suitable crew need not restrict your ambition.



Both the number of entrants and entries had fallen off in 2011 and we wondered if this was due to the decline in the popularity of hard copy prints in this digital age. So we are trying a new format this year:-


Subject                         “Cruising” - to give the widest possible scope of subject.

Format                         Slide show at the “Near and Far” evening

Prize                            There will be one overall prize.

Entries                         By email ATTACHMENT to quoting a caption and your name (email addresses are not always easily deciphered).

                                    Maximum of three entries per member.  

Closing date                Monday 13 February 2012.


In previous years entries have been used in CA and RHYC publicity, on Boat Show stands and appeared in “Cruising” magazine, so don’t be shy. Full details and conditions of entry at the end of this Newsletter.

If you have not “gone digital”, but wish to show off your favourite snap, please bring it along on the evening, as display boards will be available at the Near and Far meeting.