Royal Cornwall YC, Wednesday April 13th 2011; Jill Trew, Pink Granite and Hanseatic Splender, Jill and Frank with Den Njord have spent four seasons in the western Baltic, most recently they cruised the beautiful Boshaslan coast of Sweden, then visited the Danish island of Bornholm, followed by the Baltic coast of Germany with its Hanseatic towns and inland seas and islands. A memorable summer!
The Royal Cornwall Yacht Club:-
The talks start at 20.00 and finish at approximately 21.15, the bar is open from 18.00 with supper available from 19.00, the cost is £12.00 for main course and the talk, (pay at the bar) Meals must be booked as food will only be cooked for the numbers that have ordered supper. We would appreciate you letting us know if you plan to come to the talk to ensure we have enough seating available. Please contact Jill Trew to order meals and to let us know you will be coming.