Royal Western YC, Wednesday January 19th 2011; Joe Lovelady, Admiralty Pilot. Why do we have Admiralty Pilots as well as the commercial ones in the precincts of Plymouth Sound? Joe will explain this and all the work covered by the Admiralty Pilots and illustrates his talk with pictures including showing us all the variety of ships that belong to Her Majesties Royal Navy.
Royal Western Yacht Club;-
The talks begin at 20.00 finishing at approximately 21.30, the bar and restaurant are open from 17.30, with food available from 18.30pm. Please, please ring Sue Evans (01752 408848) or ring or email Jill Trew (01579 382451 to book if you want a meal, the kitchen only cooks enough food for those who have ordered it! Meals are paid for with drinks at the bar. There is now a charge for parking in the MDL owned RWYC car park if one is in it for over two hours (£3.00 for up to 4hrs) but there is plenty of free parking available in the streets near the entrance to Queen Anne’s Battery.