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Weather Reports from Coastal Stations

Posted on: 23/11/2011

I am not sure where to put  this item but someone can pick it up and run with it.   Weather Reports from Coastal Stations  is...

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Hostage: A year at gunpoint with Somali Gangsters.

Posted on: 20/10/2011

CA members Paul and Rachel Chandler held a capacity audience in silent awe at CA House on Wednesday 5 October when they spoke about their cruise in...

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Piracy Information

Posted on: 30/07/2011

This information has been updated.  Please find attached a brief note (Piracy Flyer V3) just published by the International Sailing Federation (...

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New CA CruiseAbility forum is open for business!

Posted on: 18/06/2011

The CruiseAbility forum has now opened within the member’s section of the CA website. Its aim is to ensure that the objects of the Cruising...

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zyGrib Wind and weather sequences

Posted on: 14/05/2011

Those even slower on the uptake than I am may be interested in the zyGrib wind/weather sequence facility. On a zyGrib chart, select a location with...

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Jeanne Socrates Triumphs!

Posted on: 14/05/2011

Hearty congratulations to CA member Jeanne Socrates who arrived in Cape Town (Royal Cape Y.C.) on Wednesday, 11th May at 5.10 p.m. local time at the...

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GRIB forecasts available to 8 days

Posted on: 24/04/2011

GFS GRIB data on the 1/2 degree resoulution Have been  available from Saildocs for some months now. Newly introduved on zyGrib, if you ask for 7...

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iGrib - A viewer for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

Posted on: 18/03/2011

For those into hand-held technology, iGrib is a GRIB file viewer for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. It is being developed by a CA member (S/V Mojo) and...

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A statement from the CA about the shooting of the crew of Quest

Posted on: 22/02/2011

The entire membership of the Cruising Association is shocked to learn that Scott and Jean Adam and their crew Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle on board...

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New Imray Digital Charts at the Information Centre

Posted on: 10/02/2011

The Cruising Association Information Centre is pleased to announce the acquisition of a complete set of up-to-date Imray Digital Charts for use by...

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