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Southampton Boat Show 2018 Previews

Posted on: 28/08/2018

Celebrating flying the CA burgee for 110 years!   See us on our new stand at the...

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Daily Prize Draws at The Southampton Boat Show

Posted on: 28/08/2018

Throughout the The Southampton Boat Show we’re giving away one fabulous prize EVERY DAY! Members & new joining members are...

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CA Facebook Focus 2018

Posted on: 20/08/2018

And the winners are...! We were delighted to receive over 60 Facebook Focus images fitting our entry criteria over the course of 12 weeks. These...

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VHF Radio Checks - who should you call

Posted on: 25/07/2018

The Cruising Association’s RATS (Regulations and Technical Services) Committee has been in discussion with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)...

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News alert from Trinity House: Differential GPS user survey

Posted on: 09/07/2018

The General Lighthouse Authorities of the UK and Ireland are conducting a survey to gauge current and future user requirements for their Differential...

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Golden Globe 50th Anniversary Celebration Facebook Competition

Posted on: 09/07/2018

In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race 2018 and the CA’s involvement with and support for its Patron Sir Robin...

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Failure of throw bag rescue line

Posted on: 18/06/2018

RATS draws the attention of Members to this important MAIB report, attached below. and for them to consider the points in it if they have these or...

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Cancellation of London Boat Show

Posted on: 16/05/2018

The Cruising Association responds to the demise of the London Boat Show British Marine, the owners and organisers of the London Boat Show (LBS),...

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Golden Globe Race 2018

Posted on: 03/05/2018

The Cruising Association joins in the celebrations in honour of its Patron Sir Robin Knox-Johnston Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, the first sailor to...

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Sail with Tom Cunliffe on Cambria

Posted on: 04/04/2018

A legendary classic boat sailor, writer, journalist and interpreter of our sailing heritage in print and on screen, Tom is passionate about vessels...

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