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Update to HMRC Brexit Rules

Posted on: 31/03/2021

HMRC has made a further revision to the VAT 'Returned Good Relief' (RGR) rules that now apply to yachts following the...

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Four out of five British boat owners may quit long-term cruising in EU waters

Posted on: 24/03/2021

A survey carried out amongst Cruising Association (CA) members who keep their boats on the rivers and canals of Schengen...

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White diesel, what white diesel?

Posted on: 16/03/2021

From 30 June non-commercial vessels wishing to refuel in Northern Ireland must do so with white diesel. What’s the snag?...

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The Cruising Association welcomes Spring Budget decision on red diesel

Posted on: 04/03/2021

The Cruising Association (CA) is delighted that the government has reviewed its proposals for the reform of UK red diesel...

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CA Spring Promo Week: A great deal for everyone!

Posted on: 01/03/2021

Between 22 and 28 March, the CA is running an inclusive, online, Spring Promo Week that is sure to be of significant...

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The CA Launches 180-Day Visa Campaign

Posted on: 25/02/2021

The CA has today launched its campaign to reduce the impact of Brexit on British small boat cruisers who have...

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The 2020 CA Photo Competition for CA members – winner & runners-up announced

Posted on: 11/02/2021

We're constantly amazed by the quality of images as well as the variety of subjects and locations submitted each year by...

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Red diesel and the validity of the Istanbul Convention of 1990

Posted on: 18/01/2021

Marine red diesel is still on sale to leisure vessels in the UK, despite the Government’s plans to phase it out following...

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The Cruising Association announces online Spring Promo Week

Posted on: 04/01/2021

With the challenges of COVID-19 still likely to curtail face-to-face events being staged in the first few months of 2021...

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Brexit Sailing Issues Addressed in Cruising Association RATS Webinar

Posted on: 15/12/2020

The key Brexit issues affecting the sailing community have been addressed in a recently held Brexit Special Webinar...

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